European Papers - Jean Monnet Network
Rule of Law and Human Rights in Europe and the World in Times of Contestation
Tuesday 6 September
- 14,00-14,30 – Ségolène BARBOU des PLACES, Paris 1 Pantheon-Sorbonne University
Commencement addresses - 14,30-16,00 – Loïc AZOULAI, Sciences Po law School
Trouble and contestation in European law - 16,30-18,00 – Floris DE WITTE, London School of Economics
Creating a space for contestation within the EU?
Wednesday 7 September
- 9,00-11,00 – Antoine VAUCHEZ, Paris 1 Pantheon-Sorbonne University
Independence wars in the EU - 11,30-13,00 – Laurent PECH, Middlesex University London
The EU’s limited capacity to impose Rule of Law internally
- 14,30-16,00 – Agustin J. MENENDEZ, Complutense University of Madrid
Which and Whose Rule of Law? The Struggle over the law of European integration - 16,30-18,00 – Laurent PECH, Middlesex University London
Who in the EU defines/should define the Rule of law?
Thursday 8 September
- 9,00-10,30 – Elise MUIR, KU Leuven
Challenging the EU’s infrastructure for the protection and promotion of fundamental rights - 11,00-12,30 – Sophie ROBIN-OLIVIER, Paris 1 Pantheon-Sorbonne University
What is missing in the EU catalogue of Human rights?
- 14,00-16,00 – Ramses WESSEL, University of Groningen
EU values and principles as part of the EU’s external action - 16,30-18,00 – Edoardo STOPPIONI, University of Strasbourg
EU law and its others: Do EU values apply equally to all persons and States?
Friday 9 September
- 9,00-10,30 – Juan SANTOS VARA, University of Salamanca
The EU “double game” on the international scene: the example of migration - 11,00-12,30 – Enzo CANNIZZARO, Sapienza University of Rome
Contestation of the EU as a rules-based and cooperative international order
- 14,00-18,00 – PhD workshops
Saturday 10 September [open to the public with registration]
Round-Table: Articulating social and environmental rights in the EU 9,00-12,00 - Salle 1, Centre Panthéon, 12 Place du Panthéon
Chair : Ségolène BARBOU des PLACES, Paris 1 Pantheon-Sorbonne University
Stéphane DE LA ROSA, Paris-Est University
Environmental issues and social rights at EU level: which forms of interplay?
Adalberto PERULLI, University Ca’ Foscari of Venice
Environment and social rights in the anthropocene. Towards an eco-social model.
Franck SIEBERN-THOMAS, Head of Fair, Green, and Digital Transitions, Research Unit, DG Employment, Social Affairs and Inclusion
Social rights and the European Green Deal: a Commission perspective
Philippe POCHET, European Trade Union Institute
Linking climate change and social policies: is just transition an useful or an ambiguous concept?
Sophie ROBIN-OLIVIER, Paris 1 Pantheon-Sorbonne University
A critique of the dissociation of social and environmental rights in recent Commission proposals (on non-financial reporting and due diligence)
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