“Charting the path of future progress’ - The early construction of international organizations as legal actor” par Catherine Brölmann
Séminaire de l’IREDIES n°54
Organisé par Evelyne Lagrange et Paolo Palchetti
Professeurs de droit public
“Charting the path of future progress’ - The early construction of international organizations as legal actor”
par Catherine Brölmann
Associate professor of international law, University of Amsterdam
Vendredi 26 mai avril
11h30 – 13h
Centre Lourcine, Salle des séminaires et sur zoom
Abstract : This seminar proposes a historical account of international organizations linked to their construction as legal actor. As can be gleaned from writings on international organizations in the 1930s-1960s by distinguished scholar-practitioners such as Wilfred Jenks, this construction revolved around three concerns: the question of agency for international organizations (used here as a shorthand for their ability to act independently); the question - implicit but pervasive- of the nature of organizations; and the question of the role of organizations in international law and international affairs. Though often couched in technical-legal terms, these were fundamental questions ultimately touching upon the distribution of power in international life.
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