
Norms, Social inequalities, and climate change - Preliminary study

Sophie Robin-Olivier, Professor at the Sorbonne Law School

The project aims at designing norms to address social inequalities in the context of climate change (law and social policies).

The idea is to suggest methods and concepts to develop laws and policies that can deal with climate change, and, at the same time, ensure citizens’ participation through taking into account and addressing the diverse impact of the new norms on diverse social groups.

The aim is to ensure social justice in normative changes towards climate neutral Europe:

1)    by distinguishing expectations and needs of social groups

2)    by developing a concept of social justice that includes impacted social groups’ support to social transformations

Thus, the central research question concerns the methods and concept in order to create/adjust laws and policies on climate change issues that take into account various types of inequalities in order to achieve social justice and social support for transformative law.